
Perheen joulukortti

Family Christmas Card / Fantasy photoshoot

DRAG A SLIDER IN THE PHOTO ON TOP. See a bigger and better quality final image below this post. Here is a short making of -story of the family Christmas Card production workflow. View bigger final image here The photos were shot ...

IronMan Cosplay Johnnie Saares

IronMan Cosplay, BEFORE – AFTER

DRAG the slider in the image above to see BEFORE - AFTER -images. Awesome cosplayer visited me at the studio. We had tens of amazing photos, more coming soon!. This is the first one. See BIGGER IMAGE here. Model: Johnnie Stark Cosplay: www.instagram.com/johnniestarkcosplay


Helsingin Sanomat | BEFORE – AFTER

Helsingin Sanomat / Tästä elämästä -mainoskuva. Kuvattu viimeisillä lumilla, likaisessa lumikasassa, Vantaan Pakkalassa pellon laidassa. Kuvaan piti jälkikäteen lisätä aidon laskettelun tunnelmaa.

Viidakon Tähtöset 2 - AFTER

Viidakon Tähtöset 2 | BEFORE – AFTER

This photoshoot was done already at 2013, but finally I managed to make this blog article out of it. I also publish here PHOTOS and making of stuff (thank you Veiko Tökman for some nice "side shots" from the photoshoot) THAT HAVE ...